When I began my freshman year of college as a psychology major, the first classes I took weren’t Psychological Tests and Measurements or Industrial Psychology. In fact, I didn’t even have Introduction to Psychology until my second semester. No, the first several semesters were filled with basics. Useless basics, I thought. But yet, those basics were still required, and I realized later why.
They prepared me for the higher level classes because they taught me how to study. They got me used to this new area of higher level study. They were essential to my success in completing my degree in psychology.
As Tiffany and I have continued to meet about our Moms ministry, we have begun to feel a similar way. Our grand vision is the large Moms ministry I first described, But we realized that before we even begin our one Moms group, we need some basics.
We need our hearts broken with the things that break the heart of God.
We need to see what God has to say in His Word about those we want to reach.
We need our areas of sin and preconceptions to be exposed with the light of His Word.
We need to start with the basics.
And for us, we feel certain that those basics begin with Isaiah 58. I’ve been studying this chapter since February, yet every time I sit down to study more, God reveals more to me that shows how my heart is still not yet in tune with his.
Our focus has shifted. Yes, we still believe we are to start a Moms group in our neighborhood, and we still hope other moms will feel inclined to do the same. However, for now, we feel that our focus needs to be seeking the heart of God through this Scripture.
If you long to see God use you in sharing the love of Jesus with others, but just aren’t sure where to start, please consider attending our Isaiah 58 study. We realized that while God may lead some to begin Seed Groups, he may lead others to do something different. The point is that we follow where he leads.
If you’re in the Russellville area, please contact me by Friday, September 27th if you’re interested in attending this study.
I will be doing an Internet version of the study in some form a little bit later for any who isn’t in the Russellville area or who cannot fit this study in your schedule at this time.
Thank you for your prayer support as we seek and endeavor to follow where God is leading us.