I wanted to begin Drew’s first week with Scripture memory with a verse that would tell him what Scripture would do in his life, throughout his life:
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105
For those who know me, you’re gasping at my use of the King James Version. Indeed, I looked up other versions that I thought would be easier for Drew to comprehend, but when it came down to it, I kept with the version I learned because I knew he would be better able to memorize this if I taught him the tune to the Amy Grant song that has this verse as its main lyrics. (Click here for the song.)
The next thing I did was found a cute printable that could assist Drew in his learning. Because he is in kindergarten and is just starting to read, I found one with words and images, but of course I can’t locate it online now. But I found this one that might have been even better:
Click here for a high-resolution .pdf that can can print. I found this on a really neat web site – www.scripturemeditations.com. They state that these are reproducible. I will be going back to this site as I continue.