Welcome! Please join me on Friday mornings at 8:15 (ish) on Facebook Live! I give tips each week to help us go deeper in our relationship with God and in Bible study. I’d love for you to join me live, but if you miss one or want to dive deeper into the resources I’ve mentioned on the broadcast, come here for all the videos and resources. –Jill
The Benefits of Studying the Bible with a Friend (and a time-sensitive giveaway!)
4 Ways to Use a Chronological Bible to get a deeper understanding of Scripture
Here is a link to a variety of chronological Bibles on the market.
The differences between Bible translations: my favorite, plus a misconception I had for years about the King James Bible.
My Tuesday Night Obsession & Making Time for What’s Important
Reading Your Bible Like an I Spy Book
Don’t Compare Yourself with Another Who’s Further Along in their Journey. Start Small.
The Verse I Couldn’t Get Off My Mind
When You’re Not Getting Anything Out of Reading the Bible
Strong’s Concordance app. With a click, you can view the definition of any word in any passage of the Bible, according to the word as used in the original language. This is super-easy to use!
Strong’s Concordance with KJV app on Google Play – $1.99
Strong’s Concordance with KJV app on iTunes – $1.99
Here is a screenshot I took of my search for the word “know” in Ephesians 1:18 that I referenced in the Live broadcast:
Can’t Not Share with you what God did today!
Consider the Recipient: How to Get More from Paul’s Letters
Download this Chart Listing Each of Paul’s Letters and the background passages for the churches to whom he was writing.
(*Colossians is not listed in the above chart due to Colossae’s limited mention in other parts of the Bible. Paul did not appear to have visited this city, and some sources say that the church was established when people from that area visited Ephesus during Paul’s tenure there — namely Ephapras, as mentioned in Colossians 1:7 and 4:12.)
The Mistake I Made in My Bible Study & 3 tips to help you avoid the same mistake
The Armor of God Bible study by Priscilla Shirer
Psalm 103
Ephesians 2:10
Related Blog Post: How to Get the Most of Your Pastor’s Sermon (Journey with Jill)