At various times in my life, I’ve found myself running my race alongside several others with the same goal. We lived together, loved together, and bonded under the same mission. Then, almost unexpectedly, a few would seem to come to a “Y” in the road and take a different path.
As many times as it has happened, it has always been painful. First, there’s the raw emotion of just missing my friends, doing life with them. Even though the friendship is still there, when you’re running on different roads, the intimacy changes, and everyday life isn’t the same.
So there’s that. But then doubt creeps in. Did I miss something? Am I still on the right path? Was there something about the path they veered on that I should have taken as well? My road all of a sudden doesn’t look as pretty, and I am getting pretty lonely, truth be told. Am I sure I didn’t miss God’s voice behind me at some point saying “turn?”
Still, despite missing my co-laborers and wrestling with doubts, I seem to always have a peace that I’m right where I need to be.
Run Your Race.
I found myself with these familiar thoughts not long ago. And just as the gentle voice had always reminded me, the words came clearly.
Run Your Race.
Few things can take the energy away from a person than feeling you’re not where you need to be, or that you missed God’s voice somehow three exits ago. But that’s why God reminds us to whom we always should be listening.
“and whenever you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind you: “This is the way. Walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21)
the scenery doesn’t look as pretty or
when my expectations aren’t fulfilled or
when my friends are on a different path or
when I doubt…
the only voice that matters is the gentle voice of the Spirit. And understanding that we each have our own races.
“So Peter turned around and saw the disciple Jesus loved following them…When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, “Lord—what about him?” “If I want him to remain until I come,” Jesus answered, “what is that to you? As for you, follow Me.” (John 20:21-22)
If others take different paths, that’s okay. Perhaps the gentle voice of the Spirit in their lives told them to turn. But as for you,
Run Your Race.
If nothing around you looks familiar and other paths seem brighter, and you doubt you’re on the right path, ask for direction and wisdom. God will give it. And whether he says, “Turn” or “Stay,”
Run Your Race.