She and I watched our children play together in front of us. While I didn’t know her well, I knew of her and she and I had chatted some in the past.
Something about our brief time together that day burdened me. I could tell she was frazzled, but there was more to it. She was sad. I can’t begin to suppose the reason for her melancholy or whether she was just having a bad day or something else. She left before we had had a chance to talk longer, but I couldn’t shake my burden for her.
As I got into my car, I began praying for her.
God, did you see how sad she was? Please be with her right now.
The way I approached God was more like a child informing her mother about another child’s boo-boo, like he was unaware of it before I told him. It was almost as if I expected him to reply, “Wow, Jill, you’re right. Thank you so much for letting me know!”
I was quickly made aware of the absurdity of my approach. In reality I felt God reply to my prayer with, Of course I see her, Jill. I wanted YOU to see her.
The tables turned right away. Instead of my running to God when I am made aware of a need, as if that need is news to God, I’ve begun looking for God to show me what he sees. I can still pray for those needs and I do. But I also want to be sensitive to where God might be showing me the hurt of another so I can seek to minister to that person.
I haven’t seen this mom again, but I’m sure our paths will cross in the future. When God brings her to mind, I lift her up in prayer. And I’ll be looking for opportunities to talk with her in the future. Hopefully in some way I can show love of Christ.
Do you ever consider that perhaps God is showing you needs of a specific person so you can pray, love, and seek to meet any needs that are present?