Since I’ve been trying to save money on groceries, I’ve kept my bi-weekly general grocery trip to Wal-Mart, but I’ve tried not to go anywhere else on weekends or whenever I have time with my kids. I don’t want to take any more time away from them, and frankly, it’s easier to price-shop when I can concentrate on the prices and coupons, and not on what Alyssa has decided to grab out of the cart.
So Tuesday on my lunch break, I made a quick trip to Kroger and Walgreens to take advantage of some deals there. Some of the items were great deals but some were just “good” deals on stuff that I needed to get anyway.
Here is a summary of my trips:
Pampers – $7.50 per bag. (Reg. $11.99, sale 2 for $20, 2 coupons for $2.50 that I got out of my last Pampers box)
Eggs (not pictured) – 2 for $2
Blue Bell Ice Cream $3.29 (Reg. 6.99; sale $4.29, $1.00 coupon I got by signing up at Blue Bell’s web site (it only took a couple of minutes and I was able to print out 2 coupons; totally worth it!).
Oscar Mayer Bacon (not pictured) – $3.00 (Reg. $4.99, sale 2 for $7, $1.00 Register Reward)
Cascade – $4.24 (Sale $4.49, $0.25 coupon)
Children’s Ibuprofen & Aceteminephen – average of $3.19 per 4-oz bottle. (Buy one get one 50% off.) This may not have been the best deal, but we go through a lot of this when Drew gets sick so I wanted to stock up…and this deal is better than a quick Walgreens run when it’s not on sale!
Dawn dish liquid – $0.49 (Sale $0.99, $0.50 coupon in Sunday’s newspaper)
Ken’s Salad Dressing – $0.99 (Reg. $3.29, Sale $1.99, $1.00 coupon in a Sunday’s newspaper a few weeks back)
Bird’s Eye Frozen Veggies – $0.50 (Sale $1.00 less $0.50 off 2 that was doubled)
Hellman’s Mayo – $2.99 (Reg. $3.99, Sale $2.99)
Skinner Pasta – $0.75 (Sale $1.00 less $0.25 “Quarter Back” Event)
Rotel – $0.75 (Sale $1.00 less $0.25 “Quarter Back” Event)
In this shopping trip, I was most pleased with the ice cream (Matt’s favorite), Ken’s Salad Dressing, Frozen Veggies, and Pasta. The other sales probably weren’t the best but they were better than what I would have gotten without them! The best part is, every item I bought is an item I use regularly!
The Walgreens deals are good through Saturday. The Kroger deals have expired, but the veggies and mayo are still on sale for the same price based on the sale ad. I believe the pasta and Rotel are still 10 for $10 but without the “Quarter back” event.